Cream Hypoallergenic Organic Bamboo Bra Liners, suitable for any size, age, and activity. The liners can be purchased either as a single pack, or in packs of 3.
How to Measure
To make sure you purchase the correct size, you can follow the size guide. Simply measure from the start of your one underarm, running across the chest under your breasts, not over, to the start of the opposite underarm.
How to Fit
With your bra on lift the centre of the bra outwards and insert the bridge of the Bra Sweat Liner between the breasts Place one side of the ‘long section’ up and under one breast, then the other following the curve of your bra. Your bra should now sit comfortably on the bottom edge of the Bra Sweat Liner.
*No refunds or exchanges can be issued on products due to incorrect sizing.
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